Deacon Paul will be giving a brief State of the Parish address as well as an overview of the 2021/2022 fiscal year finances prior to the Fall Fest.
...Chicken dinner with entertainment from “Talk of the Town”. Silent Auction and 50/50 raffle. All orders are pre-order with dead line of Monday October 24 at noon.
...All Saints Day with only Mass at 8:00 AM.
...Christopher Gallegos & Samantha Kwaterski will be joined as one in a beautiful ceremony
...All are invited to the Annual Day of Reflection. The day begins with coffee at 8:30, followed by the presentation “A Day of Illumination: Unpacking Parables with Mary”.
Reservation are required. Please call 920/437-1979 by February 6. Cost of program is $20.00 which includes Lunch.